Saturday, January 7, 2017

Disney Movie Trek Continues...

Ok, so Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs was the second movie I picked,  Her singing was hurting my ears as it got into the higher registers.  I was impressed though with the complexity of the animation, particularly the movement.  Enjoyed the banter between the dwarfs during the songs... silly stuff but enjoyable anyway.

About to pick the third movie and will blog thereafter.

Friday, January 6, 2017

Disney Movie Watch Party - The Journey Begins

I picked The Lion King as my first movie of the complete Disney library to watch with my 15 year-old daughter (and the other two of my brood).  It was enjoyable.  I knew a few characters names but that was about it.  Not a bad story.  Obviously predictable.  My daughter asked me what I rated it.  I gave it a 6 out of 10 and she agreed, which surprised me, as we usually don't look at the same things.

One Disney movie down... about 483,017 more to go.  About to start movie #2.

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Comprehensive Disney Movie Watch Project - Lord Have Mercy

My 15 year-old daughter is a Disney know-it-all.  Literally.  She can name the movies in chronological release order from beginning to end.  She blathers incessantly about the most obtuse details of each and every movie.  (Yes, I still love her.)  But her Disney thoughts are endless.

That I recall, I have only seen three Disney movies from beginning to end without falling asleep.  (I confess to being a Star Wars nut, but I won't count that here.)  I loved Aladdin... Robin Williams was magical, no pun intended, really.  In college, I was in a class where we studied movies and I was forced to watch The Jungle Book.  To my surprise, I enjoyed it.  Even though Who Framed Roger Rabbit? was released differently (separately from Disney), I've seen that too, and enjoyed it, not because of Jessica Rabbit.  I have seen several in theaters (Wreck it Ralph, Frozen, etc., but I missed half of these because of a comfortable seat cushion.), and I saw a few while my kids where immersed in a blu-ray at home, but I was distracted and couldn't tell you much about the stories or the characters.

I told my daughter two nights ago that I would watch all of the Disney movies if she were to be kind enough to list the ones she felt proper to include.  She is working on the list.  I get to pick from it.  I will chronicle this here, if only for my daughter's excitement.  She'll be happy to spend time with me on something she enjoys.  My other daughter and son will likely watch with us also.   Experts on Disney, they are not, relative to my 15 year-old, at least, but they enjoy Disney nonetheless.  Tonight, we will begin with movie #1.  I will pick in a few minutes and then blog again within a few days what my impressions.  Maybe I'll let my daughter add some quick thoughts.  And so the father - daughter Disney movie chronicle begins. 

The State of the Union

Perhaps it would have been more apropos to title this post "The State of the Country".  We still have a country after all.  It s...