Thursday, March 1, 2012

Blog Lessons Learned 101 (a.k.a. I neglected to save a great post...)

So I had a great post called "Blame Game 101" regarding some thoughts on Obama supporters still blaming George W. Bush for everything going wrong in our country. I was just about done, about to proofread, and touched some button on a trusty Logitech keyboard for an iPad2, and boom, everything disappeared. Hopefully I'll remember to save it next time. Off to bed. I'll retype my thoughts (eloquently, I might add) tomorrow, hopefully.
There's some silver lining: I didn't holler any expletives, like I would have years ago. My blood pressure hardly went up. I'm 41 years-old and I'm finally growing up! Tens of thousands of people probably died today. People all over the world are hungry. Kids all over the world want love from a parent who doesn't give them the time of day. I am blessed beyond my ability to articulate even a fraction of all God has done for me and those I love. Thank You, Lord, for this day. Goodnight all.

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