Tuesday, February 28, 2012

The plan...

So much to say... I believe we make our own path in this life and I'm still learning to set one that will lead me to an eternal life with my Creator.  My family and I have finally found a church where we both feel at home, and I am proud that my children are being led by two parents who do their best to love and serve the Lord.  I have so many interests and take emotional morsels from life throughout my day to move forward.  There is enough that goes wrong in this world that I think it's important to do that.  I hope that you can get something positive from my blog.  It is my earnest hope that something here will interest you.  If you only stop by occasionally, or even once, I will have done my part if something on here merely makes you think, if only to consider the opinion of another person in this vast world.  If something I write makes you open your eyes to Christ as your Savior, then that will make this world a better place, at least in my mind.  That said, I have opinions on many things.  Even though I have mentioned my spirituality here, I will blog about much more than that, but I felt it necessary to get that on the record.

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