Thursday, March 1, 2012

Blog Lessons Learned 101 (a.k.a. I neglected to save a great post...)

So I had a great post called "Blame Game 101" regarding some thoughts on Obama supporters still blaming George W. Bush for everything going wrong in our country. I was just about done, about to proofread, and touched some button on a trusty Logitech keyboard for an iPad2, and boom, everything disappeared. Hopefully I'll remember to save it next time. Off to bed. I'll retype my thoughts (eloquently, I might add) tomorrow, hopefully.
There's some silver lining: I didn't holler any expletives, like I would have years ago. My blood pressure hardly went up. I'm 41 years-old and I'm finally growing up! Tens of thousands of people probably died today. People all over the world are hungry. Kids all over the world want love from a parent who doesn't give them the time of day. I am blessed beyond my ability to articulate even a fraction of all God has done for me and those I love. Thank You, Lord, for this day. Goodnight all.

The State of the Union

Perhaps it would have been more apropos to title this post "The State of the Country".  We still have a country after all.  It s...