Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Sorry for the lack of updates...

Disney movie #3 (Lord have mercy) was Tarzan.  I enjoyed it.  Got too serious at the end, like Disney movies tend to do, but it was enjoyable nonetheless.  I admit that I am amazed at how the movies come to live.  The movies are well-conceived and enjoyable to watch.  Glad I'm doing this with my daughter (and family).

Movie #4 was The Hunchback of Notre Dame...  Quasimodo (or Hashimoto if you prefer) is a great character.  The 3 gargoyles are funny (even though my daughter hates them).  What's her face, the lead, is oddly colored, in my book at least.  In the end, a good movie worth a take.

Movie #5 was The Hunchback of Notre Dame II...  This was rough.  One expects to see a level of creation that is on par with the original.  The story was nothing to speak of, which is understandable when it's a sequel, but the visuals were atrocious.  What's her face, the lead, was such an odd dark color.  They don't even make a crayon that color.  Anyway, most forgettable.

Movie #6 was Zootopia.  This movie was pretty cool and not just because I've owned rabbits twice in my life.  A cute idea... the interplay between the fox and rabbit was cool.  The rabbit's mom and dad... the rest of the police animals... all cool.  Enjoyed greatly.

About to watch the original Beauty and the Beast.  My kids and wife are going to watch the live-action one that is about to come out so it seemed apropos.  Anyway, I just played video games for 4 hours, ate too much at Chili's (it was good, thanks), and I'm recovering from jerking my knee out of socket playing my first softball game in 21 years, so... hopefully, I can stay awake on this comfortable couch to finish it.  (Have I mentioned that I'm giving away a Yorkie?)

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